

• Is a personal tech blog of Joseph Cuthbert (that is me). Most posts herein are expressed solely with my views, opinions and ideas. Though, some i viewed it and expressed with my opinions and ideas. Therefore, it does not necessarily reflect with my views to any of that companies businesses unless otherwise stated.

• Some Photos are made and edited with my amateur-designing-skill. Some images are free to share and are on public domain(creative commons). Lastly, i give credits to sources of photos and images that are not mine. I don't claim copyrighted materials on these images and photos.

• Some Videos are shared and came mostly from Youtube embed videos. Again, i don't intend to break copyright rules and i believe these videos are free to share.

If you have any questions regarding the policies of this site, you can contact at me

• Displays Ads like Google Adsense, Infolinks.These ads may contain tracking cookies to serve pretty well with visitors. Again, i don't collect sensible private information.
• Emails i received shall be on private property domain. I don't sell these private email addresses to any companies.
• Comments are the sole owner's responsibility and will take it full liability and responsibility. However, as an administrator, i have the full rights to remove, edit, delete or manage comments that could may harm other readers.
• Links herein are reviewed but not guarantee to be more safe. These websites have its own disclosure and privacy.